Web Exports Services

Exporting Greek products by promoting them on internet

“Web Exports” service … to be found by people who are of your interest.

Greek product exports are the main factor for our country’s economic recovery. Many Greek businesses have already penetrated foreign markets, exporting quality Greek products.

For retail sales of products (B2C) we can provide you with our successful e-shop scenario.

What happens though when a company is looking for wholesale dealers abroad for selling products B2B?

Is it possible for an e-shop olive oil, wine or dairy product exports? Is this required for a successful exporting activity to work or maybe it would be more profitable to be promoted through our web page, in such a way wholesale dealers can locate us? And in case they find us, what we would like them to learn to know about us, so they will communicate with us.

Based on the above, important questions of Greek businesses, Bluemind has developed the “Web Exports” integrated service for businesses that want to turn to new markets. Our new service offers Greek businesses the possibility to promote themselves to places where prospective clients will locate them at a reduced cost, at about 60% of every other activity to bring clients.

Use of Digital Marketing for exporting products

Have you ever thought you can do exports through internet?

Whatever is your answer, related studies on an international level have shown that global commerce develops mainly by co-operations originating from internet promotions.

Bluemind’s new “Web Exports” service can undertake the following tasks:

  • By using Google to locate the countries where there is high interest for your products
  • Locate target countries with you
  • Analyze size and peculiarities of targeted audience
  • Create appropriate content on your web page to welcome prospective clients
  • Appropriately promote your company and products by using digital marketing tools
  • Create incentives so your prospective clients will communicate with your company

What do you win from our “Web Exports” service?

“Web Exports” service:

  • Puts an end to the struggling efforts of Greek businessmen, looking for associates abroad.
  • Locates geographical points of interest for your products, through Google’s tools for search trends, world’s biggest search engine.
  • Promotes products at places in the world where more prospective clients exist than anywhere else.
  • Contributes in drastic cost reduction required for participating in industry expos.
  • Constructs direct relations with your clients.
By Bluemind ‘ s service “Web Exports” you will be found by those who interest you!

If you wish to start now your export activities or enhance your current ones, by using our “Web Exports” service, please complete the form below. For any questions you can call us on +30 210 86.62975.

Complete and submit the form and we will get in touch with you in order to make an appointment to discuss about our services.

Web Export Form Eng
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